I sit over here, but feel over there.

I sit here in a worship gathering, and the familiar feeling returns.

I am at a wedding for someone I do not know. I watch the joyful expressions on the faces of others, I see their faces glowing with hope and starry-eyed wonder, but this celebration is for a unity I do not know. An event I have no relation to. At times I weep with joy along with the other friends of the family. But leave with an empty feeling of loneliness. At this time, I write my thoughts, unable to cheer for the team I’m not rooting for. Unable to pledge to the flag of the country I don’t know. Unable to cry for the death of someone I never met. The building is throbbing with energy and music, yet I feel like a lead anchor weighing the rising jubilation down.

Oh, weird. I think I just felt emotion.

But I feel, only when my thoughts are worlds away from the real life around me. I am only when I am not here. My thoughts, feelings, and passions are not with my location but on some other level. Not a higher or lower level. Just a different level.

I sit watching people congratulate the newlyweds, unable to allow a happy grin to escape my heart, uncertain of how to talk with everyone so happy and giddy at this joyful occasion.

The next evening I walk into the funeral of someone I do not know with a misplaced grin on my face, suddenly unsure of how to relate to the mourners surrounding me.

All that to say – I often find myself thinking, writing, and believing the opposite of what I know I should in any given situation. And now, I’m going to start writing and sharing my incongruous thoughts, without any explanation or hope of finding resolution between what I write, what I feel, and what is actually happening in the world around me.

Now when I pick up this pen, I will write for the sake of writing, speak for the fear of having nothing to say.

Even if my thoughts
are the wrong thoughts
at the wrong time.

I will share what makes me shed a tear at a flourishing party.
It’s loneliness.

I will share what makes me laugh at a funeral.
It’s meaningless.

I will share what makes me think of sex in church.
It’s intimate,
and I can lose myself to it.

I will share what makes me think of God in sex.
It’s beautiful,
and fulfilling.

I will share what makes me say foolish things
when I defend a thesis in college.
Only by knowing nothing
am I willing to learn anything.

I will share what makes me mature
when nothing is expected of me.

I will share what makes me think impulsively when responsibility is given me.

I will share why I feel at home
when I have nowhere to lay my head
and haven’t seen a familiar face in 6 months.

I will share why I feel like a stranger,
when I’m with people who’ve known me since birth.

I will share what makes me feel liberated when I say
“I don’t believe in God.”

I will share what makes me feel trapped,
when I say I’m a Christian.

I will share what makes me a kinder, more thoughtful person
when I talk about my self-centeredness and selfishness.

I will share what makes me a pious hypocrite,
when I deem myself most righteous and holy.

I will share what makes me think we should free the murderer
and execute the person who never harmed a soul.

By writing these things in their naked truth, perhaps they will not cease to be true,

but they will cease to be felt.

May God let it be so.

I will write why I write,

to free myself

from what compels me to write.


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