Sources of Inspiration


If you’re curious at all what are sources of inspiration for me, here is a list of different people and works that have impacted my thinking. I find that I identify strongly with the writings or perspectives that these people bring, and I find their understanding of how the world works very applicable or challenging in the context I’ve lived.

Of course, these are publicly known figures that have impacted my thinking. They’ve written and produced a lot of good stuff that I consider to be the most interesting and inspiring ideas I’ve ever run into. I can’t claim expertise on any of them, except to say that what I have read from them has been very impacting to me and helpful in framing how things are. I’d say they are on the right track and have some really important commentary that speaks into how we live. This list doesn’t include people who have personally impacted how I live; I would need a separate list for that.

I’ll list off and clump together some of the principal influences, and include a short explanation of the aspects of their work that impact me most strongly.

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