A few of my favorite things

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My angelic niece! Another picture of the cutiest niece ever. MAF UN-organization visits our home in Haiti.
Random memories I don't recall but must have happened because there's photographic evidence. The Beatles / the Brothers Weekend trip to Hell's Canyon with Canadian pilot family in training Deep snow
Exploring Hell's Canyon and other deep places. Smart people. My parents Yeah, I know this girl. She's a celebrity now on NNU promotional material.
The Salvation Army let me speak for their "Self-Denial 2008" missions Sunday. Ah man I love this place. "The Project" part one - dad helps me make the wooden frame. "The Project" part two - configured broken laptop as a rotating picture frame so family members can upload new photos into the queue for my grandparents to watch. Camden graduating.
Camden displaying his maturity for graduation photos. "Lancelot." Making a stop-motion short for i48 2007 Making a stop-motion short for i48 2007 - the alien landscape
People who leave their keys in an abandoned chopper... risky. The shoe tree. Film is awesome. Film developed using coffee for a photography project.
getting high. R&R with the fam. Ridiculing sentimentality. Flaming things are pretty cool.
Cookie monster let's out a Wilhelm scream in his last few dwindling moments of life. Golf taken to the next level. Best place to eat in Nampa. Period. Random things you see in Nampa.
Random things you see in Nampa. THE INTERCULTURAL CHURCH ROCKS MY WORLD! Salvation Army pool game. Felt like this more than once trying to wrangle these kids.
Camden acting drunk in a play. My parents thinking they're bad-a. a cousin I will miss much! Going old places where basically nothing happened.
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