
Albums 1 - 20 out of 79
High(est) point, Costa Rica High(est) point, Costa Rica
Cerro Chirripó, 12,533ft/3,820m. Lindísima... beautiful! 19km/12mile, ~7,500ft/2000m ascent!
62 photos
Off the grid Off the grid
A long hike (8 hours hiking, 16 hours total transportation time) into an indigenous reserve on the Burica peninsula in southern Costa Rica.
138 photos
CROSS that one off CROSS that one off
Yet Another spectacular hike to the three crosses of Alajuelita, with @[100002553924532:2048:Comunidad Cristiana Amistad Internacional] Youth Group and Friends. Una caminata spectacular a las cruces de alajuelita con amigos de Comunidad @[100003811588187:2048:Amistad Internacional]
44 photos
Amistad Aniversario X Amistad Aniversario X
¡Celebrando diez años de iglesia cristiana y amistad internacional! Our church celebrates 10 years!
147 photos
Resplendent Resplendent
Photos from two recent visits to the Quetzal Educational Research Center in the Savegre Valley
41 photos
Cartago x2 Cartago x2
Two trips to Cartago, and a train trek, with amigos from church
40 photos
Bautismo en una vida nueva Bautismo en una vida nueva
Church baptism
48 photos
Internet+Surfing Internet+Surfing
Helping set up a learning lab and train new supervisors in Nicoya... and a few scenic stops during the trip. Photos from preparation, travel, installation, and R&R at the nearby beach.
120 photos
Amistad y amor en Playa Carrillo Amistad y amor en Playa Carrillo
Unas memorias de la boda y paseo de Semana Santa 2012 a Playa Carrillo
139 photos
Sean transformados mediante la renovación de su mente. Sean transformados mediante la renovación de su mente.
Así podrán comprobar cuál es la voluntad de Dios, buena, agradable y perfecta.
21 photos
Stragglers Stragglers
Photos I didn't get a chance to post before, too good to pass up
62 photos
Yay visitors! Yay visitors!
In which we are visited by learning technology compañeros and college friends
21 photos
This American Life: Act Christmas This American Life: Act Christmas
An Idaho Family Christmas in photos
52 photos
Yis kar du sarat Yis kar du sarat
7 hours in. 7 horas en camino
46 photos
Costa Rica: Part Bailamos Costa Rica: Part Bailamos
Extreme Life mission trip
58 photos
Costa Rica: Part Armadillo Costa Rica: Part Armadillo
60 photos
Act 5: Celebrate Good Times Act 5: Celebrate Good Times
Part 1 - An American Thanksgiving (with a capital A) Part 2 - Exploring Costa Rica with Chilo Tribe and Yumiko Part 3 - Visiting Folk missionaries
64 photos
Act 4: Jesus' big day Act 4: Jesus' big day
Baby Jesus' dedication!
30 photos
Act 3: Culturas Act 3: Culturas
!Dia para celebrar las culturas en la iglesia! Last Sunday at our church we celebrated our different countries of origin. Each nationality did a different presentation, food, and a "State of the nation" anecdote.
36 photos
¡Día de los Niños! ¡Día de los Niños!
¡Que bendición es tener tantas caras felices en nuestra iglesia! ¡Perdón por tardar tanto tiempo, pero por fin aquí estan las fotos de las actividades del día de los niños!
29 photos
Albums 1 - 20 out of 79
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