Off the grid

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I'm betting I could get across the Panama-Costa Rica border at this point without any problems. Ah, papitas
Beware of falling razor-sharp palm leaves Pastor Carlos packs up for the journey. He does this hike every two months to meet with and encourage church leaders in the area.
Chan. Snack shack owner at the midway point.
Laura and Armando Rest point at four hours in.
Nagwa (Ngobe traditional dress)
Glenda Jorge Jogneur Roger
Church Laura and Martin
Martin and Celia, 50 year anniversary Grandparents and the grandkids dressed up for church.
baby swing!
the choir
What's everyone looking at? Paca
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Description: A long hike (8 hours hiking, 16 hours total transportation time) into an indigenous reserve on the Burica peninsula in southern Costa Rica.

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